Jim Lee (2019)

Jim joined the Club Committee in 2009/10 and was Vice President for 5 seasons from 2010/11 to 2014/15, Club President for 7 seasons commencing in 2015/16 and coached junior teams for 6 seasons. Jim was also involved in our school visits & recruitment program as well as the U10 Development squads for a number of seasons and established the Bunnings BBQ fund raiser. He has represented the Club as a delegate to the SSJCA and also served the Junior Association as the Representative Manager for a number of seasons. He was awarded the “Club Member of the Year” in 2009/10.

Son Alex played for the Club for 10 seasons as well representing the SSJCA at representative level for 6 seasons, the Sutherland District Grade Club in Green Shield for 2 seasons and Poidevin-Gray Shield for 1 season.

Details correct as of the end of the 2020/2021 season.